Creative Non-Fiction #1 – Buttons

By Brendan SheehanEnglish 50 The old sticky pictures show my brothers fully decked out in their best costumes held together at the waist by their trusty utility belts that kept all their crime fighting essentials – you know, tissues, string, crayons and candy...

Laughing at a No Laughing Matter: A Film Review of Modern Times

By Drew Hawley Charlie Chaplin is a performer like no other. Becoming one of the biggest stars in the early days of cinema, Chaplin had a knack for physical comedy. In addition to making people laugh and feel good (which he was exceptional at), he also knew the power...

Personality Profile

By Drew Hawley Once the two became acquainted with each other, it did not take long for the sparks to fly, and after two years by each other’s sides, Tony knew it was time to make things permanent. “There was never an ah-ha moment that I just knew that she...

The Psychological Pitfalls of the Internet

By: Drew Hawley The Internet has become an all-encompassing tool that we have come to rely for everyday life. Almost anything can be done online, reading the latest news, catching up with friends, paying bills, shopping, an educational schooling system, watching...

The Shocking Growth of the UFC in the Current Sports Landscape

By: Drew Hawley Introduction We have become accustomed to calling our favorite leagues by initials. The NFL, NBA, and the NHL are the lead examples of this idea, and a new sport has joined them in this very exclusive club, and that organization is the UFC. But what is...